Thursday, August 27, 2020

More on I-monkers and their view of abortion

From commenter Justin: #### Seneca, I need to get this off my chest. Since IMonk closed comments on this posting, may I post it here? I have no interest in finding common cause with a society who are clearly, doggedly marching over a cliff. No, I am going to step aside and openly declare, “Cliff ahead! Turn back!” If that alienates some, or alienates me from others, so be it. I’ll show no solidarity with people so dead-set upon oblivion. Yes, that’s all-or-nothing: a flourishing, hopeful society cannot, will not exist where it is legal to kill our children. The common distinctions made regarding “when human life begins” are completely arbitrary. The distinction is made purely as a matter of personal convenience. The “science” simply justifies the preconceived idea. We want what we want, so we find data to back it up. The facts of human reproductive biology do not compel us to define at what developmental stage human life begins and thus is thenceforth sacrosanct, that is except at the point of conception, that point where the genome of the zygote contains all of the genetic information necessary to form a new individual. In other words, the zygote is a new individual. Location of that definition at any other point along the continuum of human development is arbitrary, period. Arbitrarily distinguishing between individuals’ privileges, entitlements, rights, and responsibilities is totalitarian. Legal abortion is a totalitarian policy which undermines the very foundations of a just society and the rule of law, just like legal slavery, legal euthanasia, legal capital punishment. It is collective suicide. There is no slippery slope, there are no degrees, there are no mitigating factors. It is a quantum leap into the abyss. Not everything has gray areas open to debate. Ignore the clear logic at your own peril.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Seneca. Top billing!
    A serious note: This is not intended as a shot against IMonkers, it is only a reply/comment which did not make the deadline clearly set by Chap. Mike. No harm done or intended. Thank you for posting.
