Tuesday, August 4, 2020


INTERNETMONK used to pride itself as being "post Evangelical" but they have clearly moved further left.  Now they are post Christian.

How do I know that?  They have added to their stable of writers, "Klaise" who has declared himself to be post Christian.

Current discussions revolve around Universalism; the belief that Manson, Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Beria will all be, ultimately, welcomed to Heaven.

Scratch an I-monker and you find a Universalist.  Like the mainline; the Unitarian church is moribund; been dying for a long time.  I-monkers apparently feel that it's progress to leave Evangelicalism for  either the dying Mainline Churches or for or the beliefs of the Unitarian Church.

"But I think I hear noises of the death of Unitarian Universalism which others don’t seem to hear. And those noises disturb for me a music of the spheres that I don’t think others hear either. So I will proceed with what you may decide was, after all, too little humility, in trying to describe to you both the noises I hear, and also the music.

The movement which many call "Unitarian Universalism" has been dying for 43 years, continues to die, and the fact of its slow but steady death is the elephant in the room that few in the UUA want to face, let alone talk about.
Between 1970 and 2000, the UUA lost over 12,000 adult members in real numbers. But during those thirty years, while the UUA’s adult membership declined by more than 7%, the population of the U.S. increased by over 37%. In other words, when compared with the population of the U.S., the adult membership of the UUA has declined by more than 44% since 1970. Our numbers are now about what they were at merger in 1961, while the rest of the country has grown by nearly half. If we had simply kept up with the population growth, we would have more than 225,000 adult members now. There is no way to pretend that these facts paint a picture of growth.2"

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