Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I-monk celebrates rejection of the Righteous and Holy God

Thou shalt love thy Lord, thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind", before also referring to a second commandment, "And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." ### I-monk provides a platform for an individual who rejects the very first commandment.### This says more about the I-monk trajectory AWAY from serving the Living God. I-monk is, bottom line, all about being a "none," "done," or agnostic/atheist advocate. They have moved away from the faith delivered to the saints and moved towards the broad road of secular religiosity. ### Imonk's answer to the dilemma? Universalism; all will be saved even those who avow their disdain for their creator. Apparently God's fine with that? In your face rebellion? Apparently God is fine with that.### If you're looking for a website to encourage your faith; I-monk is NOT the place.### There is no logic at I-monk. UPDATE 1: Commenters are effusive in their praise of the post; how well written, how open, what a good heart etc., etc., etc. My question: What do we know about satan? We know this; he is the great deceiver. Is satam going to come across as hostile, angry, in rebellion against God? No; he'll come across as an angel of light. So will his "tools." ### Update2; as I suspected minus Eeyore, all commenters are onboard with the atheistic perspective. Eeyore notes; [ paraphrase ] if there is no God, all of life is pointless.

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