Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Bored by Wartburg - Update

I admit it; after 10 years, it's pretty much the same old, same old.  Now weeks go by when I don't even glance at the headlines; which appear to be the same with slightly different wordings.

I do think Dee has accomplished changes in the church when it comes to sexual sinners.

1)  Offer heartfelt condolences for the victims first, whether you believe it or not.
2)  Lawyer up - she has encouraged lawsuits against churches. Sadly, if they get a lawyer, you're going to need one too.
3)  Find a sacrificial lamb if necessary and boot them off the team.
4)  Get rid of sexual sinners in your church - they'll only cause you headline heartache. 

[Actually, triage the sinners in your church from worst to least and start ridding the church of the worst of sinners.  dryly]

Personally I still think Christ built his church to change the hearts and minds of the WORST of sinners - particularly those who are sexually broken.  Your mileage may vary.

[  Psst, thanks B*****j for reading my blog ]

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Joshua Harris - from a commenter

There seem to be two streams of thought regarding Harris. One, possibly mainly from women sees him as something of a victim of his upbringing, of fame and fortune through his book written probably before he had the maturity to cope with it. This stream is sympathetic to his plight.

The other stream, predominantly male, sees him as committing apostacy, and especially those of a strong Calvinist persuasion see him as never having been a genuine Christian at all. (He has 'gone out from among us'.) I think this judgement is somewhat premature.

I'm not sure either side is simply right or wrong, but I couldn't but help see Harris' collapse in the face of the LGBT assault on the faith does speak of a real loss of faith. 

My own sympathy for him is somewhat blunted by the fact that many Christians throughout history and today suffer for their faith and don't give it up in the face of such adversity. Giving up the faith is an act of moral wickedness, and this aspect does not deserve sympathy. 

That said, I have appreciated the very few commenters who still hold out hope for a reconciliation and restoration of the marriage and a firm faith in Christ.

I don't like the speculation indulged by some but there may well be more that will come to light in the future.

Ken B 


Well written Sir.  If history is any judge, a downward trajectory may ensue.