Monday, March 26, 2018

Willow Creek? - UPDATE, T.W.W. hated to write this post; they love Hybel's theology - feminist

Waiting to see if Dee and Deb will devote a post to Willow Creek.

If they do I'll update.


"But, I had a pit in my stomach because I knew I would have to discuss the Bill Hybels’ situation.
Willow Creek has championed women as pastors and elders so this is hard for me.
I am hoping that those who criticize this blog as being focused on Calvinists and issues of abuse of women will take note. This blog deals with it even when it is personally painful."

[  DEE actually admits, as she denies in the above paragraph, that TWW is focused on Calvinists as sources of abuse.  Hybels is no Calvinist - which upsets Dee no end.  Can't blame Hybels on toxic theology ]

Let me assure you, TWW remains committed to attacking conservative Evangelicals - dryly.  Hybels is just a bump in the road.

Now let's return to the sins of C.J. Mahaney - we're done with Hybels.

1 comment:

  1. This is an appalling insight into the thinking that is actually behind TWW now. Supposedly championing the cause of victims of abuse (and I have no problem with anyone actually doing this, and TWW may have been useful in this in the past), in this case Parsons has revealed that abuse is being used to attack theological opponents. Not just those of calvinist disposition, but complementarians as well.

    When the alleged abuse happens to someone who is in favour of egalitarian churchianity as she now is, suddenly the complainants of abuse fade into the background, and the hit taken by a fellow traveller is in the foreground.

    Hybels has exported his seeker-sensitive, deception-riddled, mystical, worldly 'Christianity' around the world, and I think it no coincidence deception and egalitarianism go together here. I have an intense dislike of this, yet it has to be said that as yet there has been no proof of abuse on the part of Hybels. This may yet of course be forthcoming, but from what I have read so far, his actions whilst wrong were hardly abuse, which I take to mean very serious harrassment leading to actually immorality.

    Finally, the validity of calvinism or arminianism, egal or comp theology has to be decided by studying the bible itself, not the lifestyle of the proponents of these interpretatations. That ought to be obvious, but clearly at present it isn't.

    Ken B
