Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Neo-Cal" the strawman- that the DEEBS despise

Underlying thread - Christians must beware the "Neo-Cals" who will destroy Christianity if allowed to grow.

Also despised by much of Wartburgwatch world - the Southern Baptists who are being allegedly being undermined or taken over by the Neo-Cals.

But, if you reject the SBC because of their "Neo-Cals" you are not paying attention.

From William Thornton who periodically comments: his own research on the "Neo-Cal" takeover.

Have we gotten to the point today where there are too many Calvinist-dominated trustee boards and entities through Calvinistic friendly presidents that the SBC has elected? Here’s the list, and I start with the first prez of the CR, Adrian Rogers:
  1. Adrian Rogers. Nope, not a Cal. In fact, I’ve heard him preach stuff that would set Calvinists’ hair (and beards) on fire.
  2. Bailey Smith. Nope. Have you forgotten his evangelism tours where there were great multitudes of rebaptisms?
  3. Jimmy Draper. Nope.
  4. Charles Stanley. Nope.
  5. Jerry Vines. Nope. Signer of the Traditional Statement that is adopted by not one Baptist body of which I am aware.
  6. Morris Chapman. Nope. As Executive Committee Chairman, he was an early voice against Calvinists in SBC churches.
  7. Ed Young. Nope.
  8. Jim Henry. Nope.
  9. Tom Elliff. Nope. As IMB head, he said the BFM was sufficient.
  10. Paige Patterson. Nope. Singer of the Trad statement. Perhaps the most prominent non-Cal voice in the SBC.
  11. Jim Merritt. Nope.
  12. Jack Graham. Nope.
  13. Bobby Welch. Nope. He had that baptism bus tour that set the Cal beards on fire again.
  14. Frank Page. Nope. He’s got this book, The Trouble with the Tulip, that would probably have gotten him executed in 16th century Geneva.
  15. Johnny Hunt. Nope.
  16. Bryant Wright. Nope. He’s often on the radio near me and I have yet to hear the Cal dog whistle from him.
  17. Fred Luter. Nope. He said that “we [the SBC] have a major, major issue with Calvinism.”
  18. Ronnie Floyd. Nope. A Trad…nominated for SBC president by a Cal. That’s the way we ought to work.
  19. Steve Gaines. Nope. A Trad who is being commended for his appointments by the anti-Cals but whose demeanor and relationship with J. D. Greear is a great example for those who see him as the Great Trad Hope.
So, there’s your list presidents. Not a Calvinist in the bunch.

Apparently you're still safe to attend an SBC Church without being poisoned by the evil Neo-CALs.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Wade Burleson, the e-church 'pastor' at TWW calvinist? The irony of it!

