Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Are you sure you want to identify yourself on the internet forever as a victim?

This absolutely isn't fair but it's real.  If I were around Katherine I would treat her very, very carefully, differently evenly.

Perhaps some of you are aware of ex-football player Michael Sam.  He was a star at the Univ. of Missouri but sometime   after his senior year he identified himself as a active homosexual, before the draft.   Apparently there was a picture of him where he is kissing his boyfriend on the mouth and him announcing his homosexual bent.

The NFL was in an immediate dilemma.  They have, in recent years, become "woke" or socially conscious and are petrified lest the social justice warriors start attacking them.  So now they sound just like any liberal organization with a me too mentality.

So you take the NFL where there is definitely a  locker room mentality among the players and decide that Michael Sam must be drafted lest the social justice warriors attack accusing the NFL of not drafting him because he is gay.  No one can say for sure, but undoubtedly the word went out that some NFL team MUST DRAFT Michael Sams.  Voila it was done.  The Rams drafted him, and cut him as soon as possible, the Cowboys picked him up but he didn't last.  The he went to the Canadian football league but quit due to "mental health" reasons.

STICK with me here.  Have no doubt that when the RAMs and COWBOYS had him on their roster, the word went out;  you will NOT harass Michael Sams about his sexuality.  That would  make the NFL look bad and the NFL tries really, really hard to not look bad.

BUT, in the NFL, ALL ROOKIES are harassed - without exception.  NFL teams are the quintessential locker rooms where male harassment is simply a part of life, the older players pick on the rookies.  There are no women in the locker-room to mitigate the behavior.  It can be pretty brutal but football is a brutal sport.

So here you have Michael Sams who is NOW BEING TREATED DIFFERENTLY and everybody knows it including Michael.  That was never going to work.  When he declared himself openly on the internet, the die was cast.  It would never work.  And of course, it hasn't.

[NOW are there football players who engage in homosexual activity?  Yes there are some.  How do they survive?  They keep it hidden, they keep it to themselves.  But once you announce yourself to be a homosexual, your active career is going to be in the toilet.]

Of note; a pro basketball player, Jason Collins, announced he was gay towards the end of his career and retired soon after.

But the reality is; professional athletes don't want publicly confessed homosexuals as teammates; no matter what the Supreme Court might say.  If you announce you are gay, you will be treated differently - and I don't think you're going to like it.

Back to Katherine and others who are now publicly identifying themselves as victims for eternity on the Internet?
I really, really don't think it is wise.

Like Michael Sams, you will forever be treated differently.  I'm pretty sure, somewhere down the years, you will want your private life back but unless the internet ceases to exist as we know it, you can never have your private life back.

My personal mantra; treat all women carefully but treat some women very, very carefully.

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