Thursday, January 25, 2018

C.J. sentenced to 175 years in prison

OOPS! please ignore that headline.

It's Larry Nassar,  USA Gymnastics doctor to teenage gymnasts, who has been given a sentence which means he will spend the rest of his days in prison.  [ I'm actually in favor of the courts simply handing Nassar over to the fathers of the gymnasts to be dealt with. Sadly, I don't think that will happen.]

BUT,  Wartburgwatch and so many of their commenters appear to have no less hatred for C.J. than the gymnasts do for Larry Nassar.

Larry Nassar did evil things to little girls under his protection.

C.J.'s organization did not well handle sexual abuses done by some of their membership.

C.J. is not actually accused of any sexual abuse, sexual harassment or even making women feel uncomfortable around him.

But by Wartburgwatch, he is no less despised than Larry Nassar by the U.S.G.A.

Would Warburgwatch minions send C.J. to prison for 175 years?

Oh in a heartbeat.  I think you'll see it in the coming comments.

About reporting abuses to the authorities some changes have taken place.

In response to the Penn State Univ. situation, Dr. Al Mohler, President of Southern Seminary, apparently sent out a memo to his employees a few brief years ago that no longer should they wait to report possible instances of sexual misbehavior/abuse to their managers or supervisors but they should go ahead and call the authorities themselves.

Now I don't know about you, my dear readers [ or blog enemies - whichever ] I'm MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE taking my concerns to a manager or supervisor and letting THEM MAKE A CALL/DECISION, rather than me. 
If I had to guess, I think there might be LESS reporting of sexual misconduct by employees if they are put in the position of making the call versus having someone else make the call.  I guess we'll see. 

Finally; a gentle reminder about enforcement agencies. re: such as the F.B.I. or Child Protection agencies or your local sheriff's office.
It would probably be a mistake on your part to assume your local government agencies are not staffed by people with a sin nature, with an agenda, with sexual issues themselves.

If you have read the papers in the past; you'll discover that social agencies have often taken a bad situation and APPARENTLY MADE IT WORSE; at least that's my observation after working with and thru them over the years.

As usual, your mileage may vary.

Female Harvard Law Prof on #MeToo

[Think Wartburg excesses]

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