Thursday, August 3, 2017

Dee and Deb - yesterday's news

Current cutting edge - This is where the big  growth is.


I don't say this sarcastically but Sovereign Grace issues are SOOOOoo yesterday's news.  Truly.  If C.J. Mahaney is still a focus of your posts - you probably drive a Buick and think a trip to McDonalds is the "in thing."

Are you truly worried about victims/abuse in Christian Circles?  Then read this article


  1. It's very sad to see Dee's relentless snark and put downs on social media of (pastor) Perry Noble's church members who have commented on The Wartburg Watch website. I may not agree with Noble, or his 'style' of church. But the man is being treated for alcoholism and he has some serious problems. (The U.S. Surgeon General declared a public health epidemic of alcohol and drug addiction in the United States. Those issues will show up in our churches.) Would we mock someone who had cancer, a heart attack or Diabetes? Can't we pray for people we disagree with and wish them well? Can't we pray for their church members who have been hurt? Can't we discuss these matters in a mature way?

  2. "Can't we discuss these matters in a mature way?"

    Answer: NO - This is T.W.W. One should never be surprised by their attacks. That's who they are, that's what they do.

    Does Perry have problems? Yep
    Are Dee and Deb sinless? Nope
