Monday, April 16, 2018

T.W.W. despises Tim Challies - and has for a long time.

Judah and his pregnant daughter-in-law - pregnant by Judah.  He says she must be burned until he finds out he's the father.  Then he rightly declares, she is more righteous than he.

We see other people’s sin so clearly and our own so opaquely. From a great distance and with the scantest information we can judge another person’s least transgression. 
 [ Discernment/Survivor blogs come to mind.] 
Yet we can rack our own hearts and minds and often barely come up with a single way we are anything less than perfect. What we see so well in others we simply do not see in ourselves.

We see other people’s sin as so serious and our own as so insignificantWe judge other people’s actions with the harshest of measures but treat our own with the softest. After all, we tend to grow fond of our sins, and especially those besetting sins. But all the while we hate the sins of others, and especially sins that annoy, harm, or inconvenience us.
What puzzles me is that the self-righteous critics/commenters don't think God will call them to account.
Dear Commenters;  You should beware - I'm thinking.
That certainly applies to me too.

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