Thursday, May 10, 2018

Biblical Counselors statement on abuse

Heath Lambert - President recounts some of his own experiences

"I have been the victim of physical abuse. I know what it is to have someone you love use size and strength to hurt you repeatedly. I know what it is to run through snow in bare feet to flee violence. I have heard the sound of gunshots from my mother’s gun, which were intended for me. It is a terrorizing feeling to return home from school day, after day, after day, and not know whether your mom is drunk and you’re in trouble, or whether she is gone and you’re fine—for a few hours. I would never want anyone to spend two seconds in the kind of fearful hell that I dwelt in for a decade."


Of course this doesn't fit the Wartburgwatch narrative of  Biblical Counselors being soulless, self righteous and untrained fundamentalists.

If you are not discerning the Wartburgwatch narrative will lead you away from truth, not towards it.

1 comment:

  1. Being led away from the truth - how true.

    I've dabbled at the sister site to TWW, and now think it probably time to call it a day there.

    What is extraordinary is just how commenters, once they get the idea into their head that you are not egalitarian or whatever from then on cannot accurately interact with anything you say. They twist what you say.

    I found myself in sheer exasperation quoting my own posts showing 4 times that I didn't subscibe to sending a battered wife back to her husband. It's remarkable, and rather unnerving, just how much commenters cannot grasp statements in ordinary English they don't think they will agree with. It's as though they hadn't read them.

    It means I can no longer take their claims of abuse at face value. True, grossly exaggerated, self-inflicted, who knows?

    Sorry to inflict this on you, but I'm gobsmacked by it!!

    Ken B

    PS: I know you concentrate on TWW here, but there is an overlap of commenters - for the first time in months I took a look at a TWW comment section. Glad I'm out of it, the sheer negativity would drive me bonkers!
