Saturday, November 11, 2017

Wartburgwatch attacks Al Mohler

This who the Deebs are, this is what they do.    The best of feminine Christianity - dryly.

The Evangelical conservatives, such as Mohler, Piper, MacArthur, Dever are bombarded by criticisms on Wartburgwatch as being unfeeling, narcissistic, egotistical etc.

It makes me wonder, what percentage of Wartburgians would be pleased to see them undergo trauma and even death?

T.W.W. presents themselves as a blog of compassion.

"Lydia -
Joe Carter doesn’t have a clue. ERLC. Russ Moors. All frauds. All they want is camera time and money to promote themselves as “thought leaders”.

Flannery O'Connor quote:
" In the absence of faith, we govern by tenderness [compassion ] and tenderness leads to the gas chamber."

I think, in Wartburgians heart of hearts, many, such as Lydia,  would be pleased, due to "compassion:, * to see the conservative Evangelicals sent to the gas chamber.  They are convinced, in their own minds,  that these men are the ruination of the church and society.

*Social Justice Warriors

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