Thursday, October 12, 2017

Wartburgwatch smears the Evangelicals because of Karl Barth


Deb - Google is your friend.

Has Karl Barth Been Wrongly Condemned by Evangelicals?

COMMENTER KEN had it right.

"I think it is a little unfair to say of Karl Barth “No doubt the primary reason for the recent focus on Barth is because he fits squarely in the “Reformed” camp.”
I have heard and read lots of the modern day reformed Piper, MacArthur, Sproul, etc., etc. The only one of the modern day reformed I have heard quote him more than occasionally was Sproul. I don’t think you will find Sproul embracing him as reformed though. He was a respected scholar. But the reformed of today don’t claim him other than to quote him for his scholarship. That is my understanding anyway."

T.W.W. has its narrative - Conservative Evangelicals are evil.  Deb tried, unsuccessfully,  to tie Karl Barth's probable affair to the conservative Evangelicals; but it just doesn't cut the mustard.  She was in over her head - she really doesn't know or understand conservative Evangelicals like she thinks she does.

I fully expect "Ken" to be banned in the near future.  He doesn't seem to buy into the narrative.

1 comment:

  1. It's almost amusing to see Barth setup as a Reformed hero, so the joy in flogging him is increased seven-fold. I know a little about Barth, and a lot about Reformed theology, and I'd never heard the two seriously connected. As my Dad says, "any port in the storm." Funny port, the "Reformed hero" Barth; makes it seem like a pretty silly storm.
