Saturday, September 9, 2017

T.W.W. continues the John Piper hate-fest.

Most recent article Dee indicates areas where she disagrees.  So far so good.  But then the comments; such as this.

Commenter Mandavilla - "I wish John Piper would just shut up." 

Law Prof:  Of course Piper doesn’t mention love much— supremely arrogant people have no use for love. Having seen Piper in person in his heyday in Bethlehem Baptist itself in downtown Minneapolis back in the 90s, I can say a couple things stood out above all others, fairly screamed out: pride and arrogance, the man reeked of it.

Scott Hendrixson:
These are the ramblings of a man who is cutting and pasting from Psalms while safely watching The Weather Channel from his throne room in Minnessotta [sic] with The Doors playing in the background. These guys pride themselves on having the answers to the most difficult theological questions, but think they’re exempt from the basic instructions of Jesus about prayer.

Scott also said: 
I seriously doubt that anyone really asks the questions as presented on Desiring God. They are phrased in a way that casts Piper as a wise sage whom childlike followers depend for the answers to everything they face. I believe the questions really come from his imaginary friend and half brother Hojn Nivlac.

Yes, I love how Piper does the ol’ switcheroo and blames the parents for everything! His logic is as nasty as the faith healers that say you didn’t get healed because you didn’t have enough faith!
I keep seeing Jesus talking about these guys in Matthew 23…the similarities between the Neo-Cals and Pharisees is undeniable!

Injun Joe:  
Who the hell here cares what Piper says?
[Answer:  The Deebs do Joe]

From the previous post:

Jarrett Edwards:
It seems to me that pastors like Piper are addicted to God’s wrath, because these pastors are so insecure in their own masculinity that they insist that God is hyper masculine, ie aggressive, violent, angry. They seem so afraid of any emotion that they view as non-masculine that they can’t view God as expressing those emotions because then they might feel as Mark Driscoll said before, that Jesus wants to be in a homosexual relationship with them.

John Piper is an idiot. Why does anyone care WTF he says? For as long as I’ve been aware of him he has been a blithering fool, just spouting out the most stupid, hurtful, whackadoodle nonsense. Maybe once he was a serious human being, I don’t know.

The man needs his friends to tell him to shut up, for his own good, and that of the Church. That he still has any kind of traction in the Evangelical world or the YRR world or NeoCalvanista world, or whatever you want to call this bunch, is very telling. The sooner this phenomenon burns itself out, the better.

Those of the liberal Christian persuasion seem to have a great need for conservative Evangelical voices to be silenced.

T.W.W. agrees with that.  That's why the keep disparaging them.

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