"As a committed feminist and social justice activist, I am constantly in touch, in communication, online, on alert, engaged. There is rarely a moment where I am away from my computer or iPhone for longer than 30 minutes - what if something is happening right now that needs my attention? - and my social media accounts serve not only as a lifeline to other activists, but as a central part of my own activism. To say that constant connection gets exhausting is an epic understatement.
If you are involved in social justice activism in any way, you likely know of "activist burnout," the feeling of sheer mental (and often physical) exhaustion that catches up with you after spouts of perpetual tuned-in-ness. But for activists like me, this burnout is magnified by an ever present undercurrent of chemical forces beyond our control: my burnout is coupled with my depression and anxiety."
[ I at times wonder how the women and commenters of Wartburgwatch are doing in their own psychological lives. ]
Ladies and commenters; remember the words of Solomon
There is nothing new under the sun.
So as it was, so shall it be - here on planet earth.
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.