Monday, August 10, 2020


MIKE BELL has a post this morning focused on people's need to wear a mask during the pandemic. I'm a polite guy so I do wear a mask ONLY while in a store however. While they are not a cure, possibly they slow the spread of "Winnie the Flu." So I went and chatted briefly with my neighbor "Mikey" yesterday; he's 65 and takes auto-immune suppressants. I asked him what he's doing to protect himself. He said he's basically carrying on like normal. He goes to the store [ he's married, has a wife that would gladly go to the store for him] eats out and travels around - he has an R.V. I asked him if he was worried he said no. Either it gets him or it doesn't he's had a good ride and he refused to live in fear.


  1. I am "Justin" (actually my real name) who ignited the IM firestorm on Mike Bell's previous post. I was only suggesting what you have here: to not live in fear. Apparently, even that suggestion is verboten. So, I'm going to take my own advice and mind my own business. My failure is that I should have done that a week ago.

    BTW, I have been a reader and commenter on IM since at least 2006. The mood and response to dissent has definitely devolved.

    Peace to you, Seneca.

  2. Thoughtful comment Justin. I, like you, really don't want to live in fear. I-monkers are actually pretty rigid and uniform in their beliefs. They don't deal well with honest dissent.
