Saturday, December 5, 2020
Censored by Internetmonk
[ deemed inappropriate for Saturday free-for-all ]
She has now lived her life as a female for 33 years.
She was born with the double XX female chromosone package. She was raised as a female. By Nature and by Nuture she can never be a biological male.
She announced she was a gay woman in 2014, now she announces she's transgender
"Page attended a Buddhist school in his youth and practiced meditation and yoga.[81] He practices a vegan lifestyle, and PETA named him and Jared Leto the Sexiest Vegetarians of 2014.[82] He is an atheist, having remarked that religion "has always been used for beautiful things, and also as a way to justify discrimination".[83] He describes himself as a pro-choice feminist.[84]" Wiki
E. Page is the ultimate progressive checking off all the cultural boxes
For the I-monkers with a progressive viewpoint, she may present a problem. On the one hand most I-monkers understand how biology limits a person; I cannot be LeBron James and neither can you. I would hope the majority of you would, given the opportunity, discourage her from gender re-assignment surgery.
On the other hand, as a progressive, you must appear to support people like Ellen Page if she announces she is transgender.
My final thought/question. If Ellen goes thru the whole hormone, surgical procedure etc., will this fill the void for her? When she is 50, will she now feel whole and fulfilled?
I think Ellen is "lost in the Cosmos" desperate seeking to find out where she fits so she can be at peace. If she were my daughter, I would mourn over her struggle.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Cheating in the Presidential elections?
Saturday, October 31, 2020
If the Democrats take it all.
THEY WILL RAISE TAXES - and it will impact the middle class [ always does, always has ].
For complex reasons I cannot explain, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates et al will lose not one thin dime
of their wealth though the tax change will be sold as making sure the wealthy pay their "fair share."
Somehow the wealthy's "fair share" inevitiably comes out of middle class pockets while Bezos and Gates
get ever richer. BTW, Bezos and Gates are not at all cheating, it's just the economic laws in place. ###
They will attempt to outlaw the manufacture of guns/ammo - just make gun manufactures
liable for deaths by gun and they will go bankrupt. [ This will not actually
solve the problem of 500 millions guns and a trillion bullets that are out there already ]
There will be laws passed insisting that people turn their guns in. 50 million people will
turn their guns in leaving 450 million guns unaccounted for. ###
They will allow anyone currently residing the in the USA to become citizens pretty much instantly.
They certainly will cease building the fence.###
The unelected bureacracy will be strengthed. ###
Labor parties will be strengthened; the "right to work" will be weakened. ###
FREEDOM of religion will exist ONLY for liberal religion; religion that supports sexual freedoms
and the LGBT etc. and their ever changing positions. ###
There will be ZERO restrictions on the killing of the Preborn. You wish to abort your child
because they are female instead of male- VOILA, no restrictions. The freedom to take the life
of your newborn - there will be restrictions on the books but no one will be found guilty of infanticide. ###
Ultimately ALL female athletic records will be held by people who were born with "junk" but
are women "at heart".
Sexual "equality" laws will be passed guaranteeing great inequality. ###
Heterosexual Caucasians are "sh*t out of luck." ###
The basic Judeo/Christian ethos of the founding documents must ultimately be purged.
The inherent Moral restrictions of the Judeo/Christian ethos must be jettisoned. ###
France's specifically secular government is to be established as the goal. ###
The New Green Deal will becomes the law of the land, the USA will bend to the world based
upon the assumptions of "Climate Change." The new Green Deal guarantees poverty for all but
the top 5%. ###
Coal, gas and oil production will plummet with the promise that windmills and solar panels are all
we need to keep our ACs, heaters and appliances running. [ How's that working out in California? ]
They will make it VERY expensive to own gasoline powered vehicles. [ The USA has certainly not
come to grips with the problem of doing away safely with old batteries and the expense of making
new ones. So far that requires humongous amounts of coal/gas/gasoline]. The government will
enforce the purchase of battery powered Yugos for every driveway [ except Bezos, Gates Et.Al. driveways] ###
Will all this happen immediately? No
Is that the progressive goal however? YES ###
The good news out of all of this? Trump and his tweets will be gone.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Creepy Uncle Joe
"How can we maintain any kind of moral consistency about biblical values, or even traditional family values, when so many of us vote for a man who has cheated on all three of his wives, and who said that sleeping around while avoiding STD’s was his “personal Vietnam”? And without that moral consistency, how can we have any ability to argue in the areas of personal morality, or help create the kind of worldview in our society that takes the morality of abortion seriously?
How can we pretend our concern for the unborn is part of a holistic concern for the dignity of all human life, when we vote for a man who mocks the disabled, and called reportedly soldiers who died for their country “suckers” and “losers”?
How can we say we care about the value of women, all women, and object to their objectification when we vote for a man who boasts about sexually assaulting women, and refers to 15 year old girls as “a piece of ass”? And who, by the way, does not repent of these things.
". ###
Trump is a seriously flawed human being. But if you're a Trump hater, what do you do about "Creepy
Uncle Joe," an equally seriously flawed human being. Logically speaking, you can't vote against
Trump due to his moral flaws yet vote for Creepy Uncle Joe despite his significant moral flaws. Comments
should be interesting.
Monday, October 19, 2020
I monk pretends misogyny towards Amy Comey Barrett was never uttered by a commenter
I called them on it and they simply erased the original comment and my response plus any others.
It's bad optics for a so-called Christian community to be caught calling an outstanding jurist,
professor of law at a world class institution, mother of 7 and devout Catholic a "bimbo." Since
they will not repudiate the bimbo comment, perhaps they secretly agree and are simply embarrassed
to be caught out in their own misogyny towards conservative women. Chaplain Mike, Geo Mike, Daniel
Jepsen, Mike Bell - any of you willing to publically call out miscogyny? Nah, you're not going
to do that and your female commenters - who knows what they think. ### But let's go ahead and talk
about what terrible human beings Evangelical Trump supporters are. sarc
Sunday, October 18, 2020
I-monk hate: "...that new Supreme Court Bimbo"
I-monk regular and favorite - Headless Unicorn Guy, calls the new Supreme Court justice nominee,
[Amy Comey Barrett], a bimbo. So far nobody has objected.
### Anonymous had written
"The day the fundamentalist-evangelicals walked towards Trump, they were walking AWAY
from their Christ AND THEIR WITNESS."
Apparently for progressive Christians, calling the female Supreme Court
Nominee a "bimbo" IS walking towards your Christian witness.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
I-monkers going full "hatestoppo" on Evangelicals this morning. UPDATE
I've always been amazed how easily progressive religionists, such as seen in the I-monk community,
are focused on other's sins; not acknowledging their own. ###
Reading the comments; no group of people
are more ignorant and lacking compassion then Evangelicals according to the hatestoppo.
Of note;
none of the editorial board at I-monk ever seems to rein them in and remind them of their own blind
sinfulness. ###
And of course, Trump hate runs particularly strong at this time though I have to admit; I don't
see anybody suggesting Joe is the answer. All they know is hate for Trump; which really isn't
a winning policy for leading the country if Joe is elected. But apparently if Trump is voted out
Utopia is immediately on it's way in. ### We'll see about that. But I DO encourage you to read
the comments and try to find any compassion for the Evangelical population.#### UPDATE
Adam calls 81 YEAR OLD John MacArthur a "dick" because Adam disagrees with MacArthur's historic and
orthodox position on Scripture. It would be nice if Adam apologized.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Saturday, October 10, 2020
I-monk and Keith Olberman
“So, let us brace ourselves. The task is two-fold:
the terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box,
and then he, and his enablers, and his supporters, and his collaborators,
and the Mike Lees and the William Barrs, and Sean Hannitys, and the Mike Pences,
and the Rudy Gullianis and the Kyle Rittenhouses and the Amy Coney Barretts
must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it
and to rebuild the world Trump has destroyed by turning it over to a virus.”
###The hatred of Trump is strong in the I monk community. I fear Olberman would fit right in.
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Living in Fear
COVID has been stressful, but will you live in fear?###I-monkers; put your faith in the all powerful living Savior and go back to living life at the full.
Saturday, October 3, 2020
President Trump is sick with Covid 19
He is 74, he is mildly obese, these two things certainly place him squarely in the vulnerable category. We'll see what God does.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
T.W.W., the wisdom has been there thru out millenia, but it appears you never grasped it.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
TWW complaining that with new leadership a church made changes to its governance.
So let me get this straight, an organization changes leadership and then makes changes to the
organization itself. And this is new how?###
Or does T.W.W. want to try and make the case this is unique to Calvinists? BOSH I say. ###
Read and re-read Eccl every year. It will help prepare you for the reality of our fallen natures.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
[ Well written ]
Sunday, September 27, 2020
a) Prayers for Jeff Dunn and his family. Apparently Jeff's life hasn't been easy for at least a few years and now he is in hospice.
If he accepted Jesus as Lord and King, his joyous eternity is assured.
### b] Chaplain Mike announce the end of the blog as of Jan. 1, 2021, about 3 months hence. The election will be over taking away
80 percent of the blog's energy. All that would be left is complaining about the Evangelicals. I've never seen any joy in being a "none."
Thursday, September 24, 2020
GEO MIKE, whom I hope is feeling well, again leads the attack on the Evangelicals who express doubts about masks and social distancing
BUT HERE ARE THE FACTS as to the deadliness of this flu in these United States
The CDC last week posted its new estimate of the survival rates for COVID-19, broken up by age.
This link put those number in clear terms:
0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%
Those numbers are practically identical to those of the flu. In other words, practically no one dies from it. It makes some people sick for a week or so, and then goes away.
And we have destroyed western civilization over this. It boggles the mind (for those who are still using it).
The worst part is that no one will believe me. Instead, too many will be outraged that anyone would even hint that this virus is not the plague.
UPDATE: An Ohio woman Alecia Kitts was tased and arrested at an 8th grade football game after not complying with a state mask mandate and resisting arrest.
MY GUESS: Internet commenters are fine with that.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Dissenting comment
Comment from recovering Baptist: ###
So you're trusting the "narrative" of a wicked man who blasphemes the blood of Christ, lies that we can take the mark and still be saved, and tells his congregation there IS no pandemic (I recently lost a friend to Covid),and as if ALL THIS us not enough, actually tells his congregation "The good news is you're NOT wearing masks and are not social distancing." The devil knows his time to speak through John MacArthur is short (he's now 81), and both John AND Satan are no longer content in merely leading people to their SPIRITUAL death; they want to lead them to their PHYSICAL death too.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
The End of Planet Earth
Pretty interesting discussion about the so-called Climate Change catastrophe. Most of the commenters
do appear to realize that what would be required to change things is simply beyond human effort.
Unity among humans doesnt exist in sufficient numbers to make the changes plausible.###
However, if you believe in the sovereignty of God, you do not have to worry.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Chaplain Mike's Sunday post references an article out of Christianity Today that starts with this quote: "We have people who have made justice their God, yet another instance of the litany of humanity’s idol worship. We have people defining justice as they see fit rather than wrestling with what Biblical justice is. And, in the end, we have people abandoning Christ." ### There are numerous people on the "discernment" blogs such as I-monk who trumpet their leaving of Evangelicalism, then becoming a "none" and the final step, becoming a "done" and renouncing the faith. I've always thought that to be a great sadness. When you renounce the faith, as I once did, you end up empty and alone. It was a bad time in my life.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Learning from Rembrandt - the Raising of the Cross ####
This is Rembrandt's famous photo where he makes it plain the he himself was a part of the throng that crucified Christ. Rembrandt acknowledges, HE is the problem. This is unlike I-monkers who insist OTHERS are the problem. It's always the others who need correction - especially on Saturdays.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
I-MONKERS are unified in their dislike and distrust of President Trump. Would he lie or shade the truth? Yeah, everybody knows that. They're worried about the new vacinations that Trump will hide the truth about the dangers or problems. Another reason not to vote for him.###
But do you I-monkers think Joe Biden wouldn't lie to you or shade the truth for political advantage?Are you, the sophisticated, liberal I-monkers, naive?
### ###
I don't mind people hating on President Trump but I find it hard to get over their naivety if they think Joe Biden is the answer.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Why go to a Mega Church - because they can give you this
This might not be your cup of tea but what you can't deny is the heartfelt passion seen in so many of the singers.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
I-monker tears? Joe ain't gonna enforce a mask mandate.
There are so very many legitimate reasons to dislike Mr. Trump. But the only option other than Trump is Joe, and Joe is not up to the task of leading the country. It's a difficult position for Democrats who have been paying attention to Joe's cognitive decline. If he wins, he's not up to the task and then what happens? Nobody knows but a rudderless ship is a huge problem.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
John MacArthur banned from I-monk
"From now on, I refuse to grant John MacArthur any more space here at IM." ###
The liberal way; ban conservative thought. [ yet they call conservatives fascists ]
Friday, September 4, 2020
Jessica Krug
Amazing revelation of a woman absolutely stripped bare. No justication, no rationalization, just brutal self revelation. May she find God.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Searching for the elusive Evangelical anti-masker
The whole of I-monkdom appears to be disappointed that ZERO anti-masking Evangelicals showed up to argue with the intellectual sophisticates of I-monk.### Dear I-monkers; you really are bigoted. Seriously
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
CHAPLAIN MIKE forgets the "Light Worker" in his attempt to paint Trump as Hitler as adored by Christians
[ Obama is ] "the rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul…"
"There’s a vast amount of positive energy swirling about that’s been held back by the armies of BushCo darkness, and this energy has now found a conduit, a lightning rod, is now effortlessly self-organizing around Obama’s candidacy. People and emotions and ideas of high and positive vibration are automatically drawn to him."
### “What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. … The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”– Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. on Obama’s winning the Democratic presidential nomination.
###I-Monk, a fully progressive political blog with a thin patina of liberal religiosity.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
More on I-monkers and their view of abortion
From commenter Justin: #### Seneca, I need to get this off my chest. Since IMonk closed comments on this posting, may I post it here?
I have no interest in finding common cause with a society who are clearly, doggedly marching over a cliff. No, I am going to step aside and openly declare, “Cliff ahead! Turn back!” If that alienates some, or alienates me from others, so be it. I’ll show no solidarity with people so dead-set upon oblivion. Yes, that’s all-or-nothing: a flourishing, hopeful society cannot, will not exist where it is legal to kill our children.
The common distinctions made regarding “when human life begins” are completely arbitrary. The distinction is made purely as a matter of personal convenience. The “science” simply justifies the preconceived idea. We want what we want, so we find data to back it up. The facts of human reproductive biology do not compel us to define at what developmental stage human life begins and thus is thenceforth sacrosanct, that is except at the point of conception, that point where the genome of the zygote contains all of the genetic information necessary to form a new individual. In other words, the zygote is a new individual. Location of that definition at any other point along the continuum of human development is arbitrary, period.
Arbitrarily distinguishing between individuals’ privileges, entitlements, rights, and responsibilities is totalitarian. Legal abortion is a totalitarian policy which undermines the very foundations of a just society and the rule of law, just like legal slavery, legal euthanasia, legal capital punishment. It is collective suicide. There is no slippery slope, there are no degrees, there are no mitigating factors. It is a quantum leap into the abyss.
Not everything has gray areas open to debate. Ignore the clear logic at your own peril.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
I was thrilled to read that Kathy Dunn has turned the corner and appears to be recovering from a very serious/life threatening case of Covid 19. God is good.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
I-monk; a little abortion is o.k., a lot of abortion would be wrong.
As I have noted before, I-monk is now simply a politically progressive blog with a thin patina of religiosity. They have adopted the past Democratic talking point from the campaign of Hillary Clinton about abortion. They will inevitably follow the current Democratic platform; anywhere, anytime including the moments of birth and the moments after birth.
### A lot of abortions is to be criticized,they say, but a few here and there, well that's the reality and God understands. That's the current I-monk position. It will change to be even less restrictions to abortion because I-monk follows secular trends.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
They despise Rush Limbaugh - of course
Rush is GUILTY of spending the last 3 decades pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals. That's why he is actually hated. Chaplain Mike and the fellow liberal I-monkers are all in lockstep for their loathing of Limbaugh. He has stepped on their liberal icon hero's toes daily for 30 years.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Commentary on Mark.
I've never been a huge fan of Michael Spencer; never thought he should be deified. HOWEVER, writing a commentary on a Bible book is immense. Kudos to Michael Spencer and Mike Bell.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
I-monkers unintentionally acknowledge my position
A couple months back there was a couple of posts assailing Trump for not listening to the experts. I demured about the "experts." I was, of course, assailed for my position. ### Today Geo Mike has a post decrying the scientific studies that cannot be replicated yet are praised. Even the posters have acknowledged the replication problem.### Let me re-iterate, Beware the Experts. There are a number of good reasons to dislike Prez Trump. Mishandling the Covid virus [ if he did ] isn't one of them. Beware the experts; memorize Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? This applies to scientists and experts. BEWARE
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
What to do about racism
CHAPLAIN MIKE does a post about soft racism. He notes, as does first commenter Robert F., being reared in the white world. I too have been reared in the white world; continue to live in it.### Robert F. said something at the end of his comment that needs to be explained. He said, " The work world is far more racially integrated than the church world, which has closely followed the systemic racial separation involved in American patterns of domestic residency, and that my Christian friends is very wrong and a major besetting sin of the church." Robert F. PLEASE explain the patterns of domestic residency; what you are trying to say. ### BTW, most Evangelical congregation have tried, usually unsuccessfully, to integrate. It hasn't worked. Is it racism? No! Is it tribal? Probably.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
I-monk celebrates rejection of the Righteous and Holy God
Thou shalt love thy Lord, thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind", before also referring to a second commandment, "And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." ### I-monk provides a platform for an individual who rejects the very first commandment.### This says more about the I-monk trajectory AWAY from serving the Living God. I-monk is, bottom line, all about being a "none," "done," or agnostic/atheist advocate. They have moved away from the faith delivered to the saints and moved towards the broad road of secular religiosity.
### Imonk's answer to the dilemma? Universalism; all will be saved even those who avow their disdain for their creator. Apparently God's fine with that? In your face rebellion? Apparently God is fine with that.### If you're looking for a website to encourage your faith; I-monk is NOT the place.### There is no logic at I-monk. UPDATE 1: Commenters are effusive in their praise of the post; how well written, how open, what a good heart etc., etc., etc. My question: What do we know about satan? We know this; he is the great deceiver. Is satam going to come across as hostile, angry, in rebellion against God? No; he'll come across as an angel of light. So will his "tools."
### Update2; as I suspected minus Eeyore, all commenters are onboard with the atheistic perspective. Eeyore notes; [ paraphrase ] if there is no God, all of life is pointless.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Bash conservative Evangelicals day at I-monk
Liberal hatred on display.#### There always appears to be a significant disconnect between actual comments and the goal of "Jesus shaped spirituality."
Thursday, August 13, 2020
If you believe in Biblical evolution, you have to deny the exist of real life Adam and Eve
Geo Mike does evolution Thursday at I-monk.
He discourages readers from belief in the historicity of the first 11 Chapters of Genesis.
There are not two people, Adam and Eve. Therefore there is no garden, no serpent, no tree of life. It's all myth.
Pardon me for not believing the liberal narrative.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Dee opines
Wartburgwatch; Andy Savage and Chris Conlee Prove That Any Schmuck Can Start a Non-Denominational Church
[ That's quite the headline; defining guys she doesn't like as "smucks."] So is this post a smear or would she like to have a genuine discussion over who should lead an Evangelical, orthodox congreation. Smears draw clicks; complex discussion, not so much.
Monday, August 10, 2020
The MARK of a progressive Christian
Apparently, it's wearing a mask according to the commenters/post. A couple of decades ago, a favorite chorus went, "..and you'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love; and you'll know we are Christians by our love." Know it's by our "masks, by our masks, and you'll know we are Christians by our masks." Doesn't quite have the same ring to it frankly.
MIKE BELL has a post this morning focused on people's need to wear a mask during the pandemic. I'm a polite guy so I do wear a mask ONLY while in a store however. While they are not a cure, possibly they slow the spread of "Winnie the Flu." So I went and chatted briefly with my neighbor "Mikey" yesterday; he's 65 and takes auto-immune suppressants. I asked him what he's doing to protect himself. He said he's basically carrying on like normal. He goes to the store [ he's married, has a wife that would gladly go to the store for him] eats out and travels around - he has an R.V. I asked him if he was worried he said no. Either it gets him or it doesn't he's had a good ride and he refused to live in fear.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
I certainly don't know the truth of the situation but the optics are terrible [ implied is a sexual encounter between Jerry and a young lady. ]
Kudos to Liberty for acting swiftly.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Is Internetmonk aging out?
I, of course, don't see the stats but I do see the commenters; pretty much the same old same old. I think that is the natural trajectory of blogs. First, they're new and exciting but sooner or later the reasons for their existence, their narrative if you will, grows old. And the commenters become part of a recognisable but aging group.
So, is Internetmonk attracting the millenials? I kinda doubt it; here's why.
The millenials have no memory/experience of the fundamentalists. A lot of the commenters on I-monk are in their 70s and many times, reading their comments, they are confusing the old fundamentalists with modern Evangelicals. There is simply a huge difference. I doubt there are many millenials who have ever experienced a sermon that references the dangers of Hell. I will tell you, as one who continues to be a part of an Evangelical congregation; Hell simply is not a regular topic in Evangelical churches and hasn't been for at least 3 decades.
One of the aging commenters has been obsessed with Hal Lindsay's teaching from the 60's and 70's. He's also obsessed with Chuck Smith, long deceased. Millenials probably have no idea who these men are or what they are known for. He, quite mistakenly, thinks these men are still influential in Evangelical circles. They are not. He has set up a straw man for him to attack. It's been old for a long time.
Chaplain Mike and the boys are all aging also. My guess, all of them are at least 50. In case you haven't noticed, the Millenials have zero interest in the thinking of 50 year old Caucasian males.
My guess, as Imonk ages out and as we age, it becomes even less influential.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
In the early years, Michael Spencer's blog still held to some of the orthodox fundamentals but he was in the process of turning away from the clear teachings and readings of Scripture.
Phil Johnson and Dan Phillips would point out the obvious flaws in his increasingly idiosyncratic interpretations of Scripture; contrary to what Scripture actually said. Johnson and Phillips were not mean, they just pointed out, very clearly, where he was going wrong. At one time he got so upset I sent e-mails to Johnson and Phillips telling them I thought he was coming apart emotionally and psychologically and they should be very careful in their pushback against a psychologically fragile man.
Then some years ago now, Michael got cancer and died. Commenters became writers and it has evolved with "Chaplain Mike" apparently in charge. My take; Chaplain Mike holds the reins loosely and all the authors have rejected orthodox Biblical interpretions. My guess would be; most of the readership are now "nones," no longer a regular particpant with a local congregation.
Anyhow, Chaplain Mike will post and old writing of Michael Spencer's. You know what? They are not inspiring.
In a not so funny way, Internetmonk is a depressing blog. Just read the comments; negativity, anger and bitterness tend to be on display as they attack those who do not agree with the politically liberal and progressive religiosity of Internetmonk.
Internetmonk is not a happy place.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
A PRIORI: God is perfect and unchanging.
Conservative Evangelicalism is of all things the Most Logical.
Creator God knew before He made humanity what humanity would be like. He knew male and female before he brought Adam and Eve, real flesh and blood humans, into existence. There are not a lot of Adams and Eves, there were only the two and out of their relationship, all humanity exists.
They had only one "Thou shalt not" only one. They gave into their desire and humanity was broken from then on; would ultimately need a blood sacrifice for sinful man to be in a relationship with a holy and sinless God. The blood sacrifice was God himself in A.D. 1.
The principles for Godly living have not changed in the millennia of humanity.
God, being most logical and just, over time gave us His Word, both in His Son and in the written Word. He did not dictate it but His Spirit oversaw the ultimate creation; from Genesis to the Revelation.
Because God is Perfect, Scripture does not require an upgrade. It said EXACTLY what God wanted it to say in the autographs. We do not have the autographs but people underestimate the millions of hours theologians have put into making sure the very words of the autographs are truly with us.
It is totally illogical to think a perfect God needs to make an upgrade.
Conservative Evangelicals view life thru the prism of Scripture. It is the anchor that never changes; though sometimes our understanding may change. BUT, words have meaning. As logical as it gets. If Holy Scripture says, "Thou shalt not," then thou best not. It's not going to change to God saying, I've changed my mind; go ahead.
Non conservative religionists view Scripture thru the prism of the current culture; which is the most illogical thing ever. What is current today will be passé in a very few years; maybe tomorrow. They are always denying the reality of "Thou shalt not." For Non conservatives; this is dependent upon changing the obvious meaning of simple words. That is illogical.
Creator God knew before He made humanity what humanity would be like. He knew male and female before he brought Adam and Eve, real flesh and blood humans, into existence. There are not a lot of Adams and Eves, there were only the two and out of their relationship, all humanity exists.
They had only one "Thou shalt not" only one. They gave into their desire and humanity was broken from then on; would ultimately need a blood sacrifice for sinful man to be in a relationship with a holy and sinless God. The blood sacrifice was God himself in A.D. 1.
The principles for Godly living have not changed in the millennia of humanity.
God, being most logical and just, over time gave us His Word, both in His Son and in the written Word. He did not dictate it but His Spirit oversaw the ultimate creation; from Genesis to the Revelation.
Because God is Perfect, Scripture does not require an upgrade. It said EXACTLY what God wanted it to say in the autographs. We do not have the autographs but people underestimate the millions of hours theologians have put into making sure the very words of the autographs are truly with us.
It is totally illogical to think a perfect God needs to make an upgrade.
Conservative Evangelicals view life thru the prism of Scripture. It is the anchor that never changes; though sometimes our understanding may change. BUT, words have meaning. As logical as it gets. If Holy Scripture says, "Thou shalt not," then thou best not. It's not going to change to God saying, I've changed my mind; go ahead.
Non conservative religionists view Scripture thru the prism of the current culture; which is the most illogical thing ever. What is current today will be passé in a very few years; maybe tomorrow. They are always denying the reality of "Thou shalt not." For Non conservatives; this is dependent upon changing the obvious meaning of simple words. That is illogical.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
INTERNETMONK used to pride itself as being "post Evangelical" but they have clearly moved further left. Now they are post Christian.
How do I know that? They have added to their stable of writers, "Klaise" who has declared himself to be post Christian.
Current discussions revolve around Universalism; the belief that Manson, Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Beria will all be, ultimately, welcomed to Heaven.
Scratch an I-monker and you find a Universalist. Like the mainline; the Unitarian church is moribund; been dying for a long time. I-monkers apparently feel that it's progress to leave Evangelicalism for either the dying Mainline Churches or for or the beliefs of the Unitarian Church.
The movement which many call "Unitarian Universalism" has been dying for 43 years, continues to die, and the fact of its slow but steady death is the elephant in the room that few in the UUA want to face, let alone talk about.
Between 1970 and 2000, the UUA lost over 12,000 adult members in real numbers. But during those thirty years, while the UUA’s adult membership declined by more than 7%, the population of the U.S. increased by over 37%. In other words, when compared with the population of the U.S., the adult membership of the UUA has declined by more than 44% since 1970. Our numbers are now about what they were at merger in 1961, while the rest of the country has grown by nearly half. If we had simply kept up with the population growth, we would have more than 225,000 adult members now. There is no way to pretend that these facts paint a picture of growth.2"
How do I know that? They have added to their stable of writers, "Klaise" who has declared himself to be post Christian.
Current discussions revolve around Universalism; the belief that Manson, Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Beria will all be, ultimately, welcomed to Heaven.
Scratch an I-monker and you find a Universalist. Like the mainline; the Unitarian church is moribund; been dying for a long time. I-monkers apparently feel that it's progress to leave Evangelicalism for either the dying Mainline Churches or for or the beliefs of the Unitarian Church.
"But I think I hear noises of the death of Unitarian Universalism which others don’t seem to hear. And those noises disturb for me a music of the spheres that I don’t think others hear either. So I will proceed with what you may decide was, after all, too little humility, in trying to describe to you both the noises I hear, and also the music.
The movement which many call "Unitarian Universalism" has been dying for 43 years, continues to die, and the fact of its slow but steady death is the elephant in the room that few in the UUA want to face, let alone talk about.
Between 1970 and 2000, the UUA lost over 12,000 adult members in real numbers. But during those thirty years, while the UUA’s adult membership declined by more than 7%, the population of the U.S. increased by over 37%. In other words, when compared with the population of the U.S., the adult membership of the UUA has declined by more than 44% since 1970. Our numbers are now about what they were at merger in 1961, while the rest of the country has grown by nearly half. If we had simply kept up with the population growth, we would have more than 225,000 adult members now. There is no way to pretend that these facts paint a picture of growth.2"
Monday, August 3, 2020
Hmm, maybe it's time to post once again
The reality; I've become bored of Wartburgwatch. It's actually the same old same old. There are apparently sinners at Evangelical churches and these sinners need to be thrown out of the church.
I've become bored with Internetmonk. It's a politically liberal blog with a faint patina of religiosity. Their agenda; labeling Evangelicals as the curse of all that is righteous and good. They do this by negating the words of Scripture.
Their narrative
If you were truly bright, you'd be a progressive Democrat.
They have one commenter I've come to appreciate: Robert F. While he's satisfactorily liberal; he's not always in lock-step with the other liberals.
Well that's enough for now;
I've become bored with Internetmonk. It's a politically liberal blog with a faint patina of religiosity. Their agenda; labeling Evangelicals as the curse of all that is righteous and good. They do this by negating the words of Scripture.
Their narrative
If you were truly bright, you'd be a progressive Democrat.
They have one commenter I've come to appreciate: Robert F. While he's satisfactorily liberal; he's not always in lock-step with the other liberals.
Well that's enough for now;
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