Friday, February 15, 2019

TWW dislike Al Mohler more than ever,


  1. You've been busy again lately!

    Regading Mohler, I think he was right to change direction over Mahaney, but I'm not convinced exactly who he should apologise to. He is not accountable to the so-called survivor blog community, much as they seem to think so. He is also not the churches' policman.

    As you have pointed out before, you could get the impression that Mahaney was guilty of abuse himself rather than failing to exercise oversight. I don't know how certain it is that he knew what was going on.

    Their reaction seems to me to illustrate something I have noticed a long while now, an application of Jesus' words 'he who is forgiven little loves little'. For all their supposed concern for the abused, they are very weak in actually showing forgiveness, I can only think because of a lack of real love. There's a bit too much fake outrage combined with a lack of mercy towards those they disagree with like Mohler.

    It's all very sad. I cannot but wonder that if their attitude problem could be dealt with, their legitimate criicisms might be more believable.

    Ken B

    1. It's all very sad. I cannot but wonder that if their attitude problem could be dealt with, their legitimate criticisms might be more believable.

      Agreed Ken.
