From SBCvoices -
How to Destroy Good Men
"But no ministry is undermined and destroyed by Cantankerous Members, Exasperating Elders, or Difficult Deacons the way it is by fawning supporters who refuse to hold a man of God accountable. The most dangerous man is the one who is constantly affirmed, placed on a pedestal, never challenged, defended by his people no matter how wrong he is, and who is treated as divinity instead of a flawed servant of God." [ Good article ]
TWW has made their reputation on attacking big name Evangelicals; there is no lack of loathing seen in their commenters as they attack John Piper, John MacArthur, Mark Dever, Al Mohler or any of the mega-church pastors.
HOWEVER, there has been 1 exception and that is Wade Burleson who has been quoted and lionized; a hero to T.W.W.
Wade is the anti-hero's hero. but I'm not sure his supporter can see the irony.
I don't know how many "fanboys" he has but the number of 'fangirls" appears to be immense.
Possibly he could benefit from the crippled elder who is forever whispering in his ear; "Wade, you are not better than Paige, you are not better than Pressler, you're not even better than Gilyard.
Beware Wade, Beware."
I was highly amused at your earlier post on Burleson, showing how in his own church the 'roles' of those in ministry fall neatly along completely traditional lines.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't thought of looking there myself, and clearly neither has anyone from TWW. A bit of dissecting they have missed!
Ken B
Good comment Ken. A little google digging can provide new perspectives. Wade's church appears to be very traditional when it comes to leadership roles. And I'm all for that.