Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wartburgwatch posts their 1,000 article on C.J. Mahaney

DISCLAIMER; I've never actually counted but C.J.'s continued existence is a thorn in their feminist flesh.

One of the fascinating things about the hatred for Mahaney is:

Nobody, that I can see, has ever accused him of sexual misconduct.  There's no #metoo accusations against Mahaney.  Apparently he has been faithful to his wife over the decades.

Other Evangelicals that the Deebs despise include Al Mohler, Mark Dever,  Russell Moore and John Piper.

I can honestly say I've never heard a hint of sexual misconduct against any of these gentlemen but they are the most despised men on Wartburgwatch's list of "Evangelicals we hate."

On the other hand, I suspect we'll never read another article about the beloved feminist mega church pastor, Bill Hybels - regardless of his guilt or non-guilt about sexual misconduct.

Deebs?  Why would you despise faithful men?

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