Also despised by much of Wartburgwatch world - the Southern Baptists who are being allegedly being undermined or taken over by the Neo-Cals.
But, if you reject the SBC because of their "Neo-Cals" you are not paying attention.
From William Thornton who periodically comments: his own research on the "Neo-Cal" takeover.
Have we gotten to the point today where there are too many Calvinist-dominated trustee boards and entities through Calvinistic friendly presidents that the SBC has elected? Here’s the list, and I start with the first prez of the CR, Adrian Rogers:
- Adrian Rogers. Nope, not a Cal. In fact, I’ve heard him preach stuff that would set Calvinists’ hair (and beards) on fire.
- Bailey Smith. Nope. Have you forgotten his evangelism tours where there were great multitudes of rebaptisms?
- Jimmy Draper. Nope.
- Charles Stanley. Nope.
- Jerry Vines. Nope. Signer of the Traditional Statement that is adopted by not one Baptist body of which I am aware.
- Morris Chapman. Nope. As Executive Committee Chairman, he was an early voice against Calvinists in SBC churches.
- Ed Young. Nope.
- Jim Henry. Nope.
- Tom Elliff. Nope. As IMB head, he said the BFM was sufficient.
- Paige Patterson. Nope. Singer of the Trad statement. Perhaps the most prominent non-Cal voice in the SBC.
- Jim Merritt. Nope.
- Jack Graham. Nope.
- Bobby Welch. Nope. He had that baptism bus tour that set the Cal beards on fire again.
- Frank Page. Nope. He’s got this book, The Trouble with the Tulip, that would probably have gotten him executed in 16th century Geneva.
- Johnny Hunt. Nope.
- Bryant Wright. Nope. He’s often on the radio near me and I have yet to hear the Cal dog whistle from him.
- Fred Luter. Nope. He said that “we [the SBC] have a major, major issue with Calvinism.”
- Ronnie Floyd. Nope. A Trad…nominated for SBC president by a Cal. That’s the way we ought to work.
- Steve Gaines. Nope. A Trad who is being commended for his appointments by the anti-Cals but whose demeanor and relationship with J. D. Greear is a great example for those who see him as the Great Trad Hope.
Apparently you're still safe to attend an SBC Church without being poisoned by the evil Neo-CALs.
Isn't Wade Burleson, the e-church 'pastor' at TWW calvinist? The irony of it!