Current SGM leadership team.
Mark Prater, Mickey Connolly, Tommy Hill, Bob Kauflin, Ian McConnell, Jeff Purswell, and Rich Richardson.
Since I am not, nor have ever been, a part of SGM, the only names recognizable to me are Mickey Connolly and Bob Kauflin - who appears to have been the musical force behind a lot of the SGM worship.
NO LONGER a part of SGM Leadership
C.J. Mahaney - who stepped down 5 years ago
John Loftness -
Grant Layman
Gary Ricucci
Brent Detwiler
Gene Emerson
Even Josh Harris is gone.
SIGNIFICANT CHANGE has obviously occurred.
I think, what they really want is something different.
What you won't read on T.W.W.
From Wikipedia:
1. In the Palmer case, brought by Renee Palmer Gamby, Ennis testified that,
Documentation was found showing the family of one plaintiff was immediately advised to notify authorities. Witnesses (I was one) were prepared to testify under oath to that fact. That child was abused at age 2 by a babysitter whose case was criminally prosecuted in 1993.
2. In the case brought by Robin Roe (pseudonym), Ennis testified that,
Another church plaintiff was never abused, (her sister was abused by her father who was prosecuted in 1987), but that plaintiff claimed the church had incarcerated her, ruining her life. Actually, she was charged and imprisoned by state and federal authorities for crimes of fraud, theft, drug possession, drug trafficking, and weapons concerns. Predictably, the judge questioned her very legitimacy as a plaintiff. The actual victim did not participate in that lawsuit.
(Allegation Number 57 of the lawsuit reads,
As a result of the Church's conduct and misrepresentations, Robin Roe was not cared for by loving and responsible adults, but instead was incarcerated in a juvenile half-way house with criminal juveniles.) [54]
3. Ennis testified that, "A third plaintiff eventually withdrew her allegations, admitting they were false."
4. Regarding the alleged pedophile ring at the church's school Ennis testified that,
Investigators found that the supposed ringleader teacher was not even at the school for the majority of that year. He was in the hospital because his back was so bad he couldn't walk. The actual teacher was the accuser's own mother. The allegations included closets and rooms that did not match those in the school building. To date the police have filed no charges against anyone in that case.
Ennis testified that regarding the three plaintiffs alleging charges of multiple cases of child sex abuse and rape at the church school, "Not one of those plaintiffs has filed criminal charges even though there is no criminal statute of limitations in Maryland. False criminal charges can result in a jail term or hefty fine, however."
Ennis went on to testify that an "extensive and undoubtedly expensive" investigation was conducted by the Montgomery County Police Departme but no charges were ever filed. A subsequent examination of the case, conducted by an independent investigator, found that the allegations of child sex abuse detailed in the lawsuit "likely never happened at all" (except for the two which had been promptly reported and prosecuted several decades earlier).
"Mayo testified,
In 2013, in a lawsuit against our church, a woman accused my husband and three others of molesting her twenty-five years earlier. She didn’t remember the alleged “abuses” before her thirties, and then believed she was recovering lost memories. She also imagined that 18 people witnessed the abuse, and she listed them by name. However, none of those named supported her stories of abuse. Montgomery County police investigated and filed no charges. After eighteen months, an independent investigator concluded her accusations likely never happened. But that didn’t spare us from a witch hunt. In the initial months, the accused were labeled child sex offenders and the story of the abuse, truth be damned, was aggressively promoted in news, radio and social media.
1) We received online threats that flyers would go out to our neighbors, “informing” them of the “pedophile” at our address. 2) Anonymous calls were made to business clients, threatening them for doing business with us. 3) Online forums ripped us to shreds. 4) Minor children, suffocated by public reaction, suffered horribly. 5) An un-accused spouse was laid off and later denied another job. 6) People withdrew from us, or fell silent. 7) Questions harassed us: Could we lose everything financing a defense?
Mayo also testified that her "husband had contemporaneous records from the 1980’s that refuted the allegations."
Mayo said, at the close of her Senate Committee testimony, "I was burned by sexual abuse in the early 70’s; we’re being burned by the false accusation of it now.
Finale: Many have alleged they just wanted change. THEY GOT IT. All the old leadership no longer leads.
Perhaps what they really want is simply REVENGE.
To re-iterate Terry Mayo - "An internet lynch mob can go on forever."