Dissecting Wartburgwatch and I-Monk which presents themselves as blogs dissecting Christian trends but dissect, mostly, conservative Evangelicals who have an historic orthodox view of Scripture. Not a lot of happy commenters seen on those blogs.
Ravi's "weaknesses" include an utter lack of character. The man has misled the public about his credentials for nearly 40 years. Documented, and he has not responded to the allegations. (His Dec 3 press releases simply ignored the Oxford and Cambridge claims, and most others.) Sad. Please see the Ministry Watch report for details from a non-feminist Christian point of view. thansk https://www.ministrywatch.com/articles/rzim.php
Ravi's "weaknesses" include an utter lack of character. The man has misled the public about his credentials for nearly 40 years. Documented, and he has not responded to the allegations. (His Dec 3 press releases simply ignored the Oxford and Cambridge claims, and most others.) Sad. Please see the Ministry Watch report for details from a non-feminist Christian point of view. thansk https://www.ministrywatch.com/articles/rzim.php