Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Culture War

Fred wrote:

"Bitter conflicts force the taking of sides, often with people one does not like. For example, I think Trump is a horse’s ass, dangerous, naive, uninformed, and a thorough-going damned fool. I detest the KKK (which barely exists, but never mind) and disagree with the Alt-Right on many things. Yet when I look at the other side, the armed bands, the censorship, thought control, indoctrination, the re-writing of history, their media arm, the identity politics, the push for control, control, control—I think,“I’ll take Trump—gack–and certainly the Deplorables.” And of course if violence comes, it’s one or the other. You can’t reason with a mob armed with lengths of rebar.

There is no principle in any of this. It is visceral. Animalistic mobs of ill-bred semi-literates vandalize statues as eagerly as Muslims blowing up Buddhist monuments. This is war, of low intensity but still war. Culture war at first, but tending toward baseball-bat war. And the federal government sides with the vandals. 
So far the attacks not been answered, but a lot of the country is thinking, “Bring it on.” Conservatives are not creatures of the herd, and do not wave placards. But they too are armed.

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