Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Wartburg Watch hates church change

Most recent post by the good ladies of T.W.W. let's a former member of a church she and her husband attended and participated with share her displeasure over the changes her church went thru.  They have now left and found the [ ideal ] church where the sun always shines, the membership is ever delightful and the pastor is perfect.  dryly.  [  Get back to me in a few years ]

TWW titled it "Church Takeover Success."  Of interest this "takeover" occurred over the course of 6 years and included many, many meetings where directions were explained, people were given the opportunity of input and there were votes.  This was the exact opposite of a stealth takeover.  It was always in plain sight.

Some people didn't like the changes and left the church  -  [ surprise ]  The writer doesn't suggest anybody was shunned for leaving, they apparently weren't.

It would appear this church followed the pattern of the Southern Baptist resurgence where the SBC decided to return to its Biblical roots.  It was a long painful process for the SBC but it has survived and moved on.   This church's leadership also decided to move in that direction.  It has also been painful for some and probably good for others.

LIKE all organizations;  change is or can be painful.  Old members leave, new members join.  Life goes on.

 If you are attending a church which is taking a more conservative theological turn and you are unhappy,  remember, you can always leave and a]  start your own church or b] there is a dying mainline church near you that would covet your attendance and financial giving.

Amid the decades-long decline in mainline Protestantism in North America, researchers in Canada recently found an “elusive sample” of congregations whose growth has bucked the trend.
The key characteristic these exceptional Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and United churches had in common? Evangelical theology.


The very first comment on the TWW post

"The writer mentioned John MacArthur. Say no more.
Same with my experience at my ex-gulag, Grace Bible Fellowship of Silicon Valley.
John MacArthur, in my opinion, has a seminary and a college that work like franchise-training grounds for future “owners”. A bunch of authoritarian, unloving, horrible people."
[ The word "smear" comes to mind - but that's so often TWW ]

Don't forget, I love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who says their life is "all about grace" probably does not have a life that's "all about Jesus". Lord help you. You just might want to seek Jesus and dump all the crap. Just saying.
