A constant theme throughout Wartburgwatch posts are the problems with the conservative Evangelical Church and the theologically conservative men who serve them.
Deb, Dee and the commenters always have a better way of doing church. They are very unhappy with the state of the Evangelical Church and a large percentage of them appear to be "Nones" or "Dones," people who no longer attend church and blame their attendance, not on themselves, but on other people who said or did things of which they did not approve.
So each post suggest problems and many posts highlight the kind of church you should never attend;
primarily conservative Evangelical Churches led by theologically conservative men. RED FLAG, RED FLAG, RED FLAG!
BUT here's the great thing about these United States.
ANYBODY CAN START THEIR OWN CHURCH. Let me repeat that in all caps.
So Dee, you are quite free to start your own church. Deb, you too can start your own church or maybe make it official that you already have your own church - Wartburgwatch.
Nancy2, have at it girl. You don't have to put up with all those things that go on at the church, Start your own Sis. NOBODY is stopping you. Ask Velour if she'd like to be your co-pastor.
Dale, thanks for the wonderful articles on all that is wrong with the 9Marks doctrinal, theological, ecclesiastical stance on what makes a strong church. I think H.U.G. could be available if you ask. Definitely get Todd on board, he of "Thou art the man" fame [ and you thought there was only one Nathan the prophet ]. If Todd doesn't join you Brent - ex-SGM leader is still looking for a ministry I believe. Give him a shout out too. Between the 4 of you, you'd have a seriously butt-kicking church.
Have at it Bro. You can have your very own church, nobody will stop you. There are a number of commenters you could ask to support you or become a part of the pastoral staff.
Are you concerned about the money in the ministry? DO IT FOR FREE brother's and sisters. That way nobody can accuse you of doing it for the money.
You think Evangelical leadership is corrupt? Hey, you can now be the non-corrupt leadership that never steps on toes, never offends people and gives a microphone to any Jane, Mary or Hilda who wishes to address the perfidy of the male of the species.
Don't have bylaws, don't have membership guidelines. Heaven forbid that you would actually make allowance for church discipline.
Have women preach/prophecy 4 Sundays out of 5. There is nothing stopping you. This is a free country. I think Gram3 would be pleased to lend her voice to say nothing of Lydia.
Actually, if you're gonna have a bylaw, outlaw people who believe in a Young Earth Scenario. Tell them they're welcome but they must never mention their personal beliefs.
1/2 of your church could be dedicated to the Singles ministry. I'm thinking it would be 90 percent women but what the heck. Each single/divorcee, on joining your church, should be given their own microphone to use as they see fit.
Daisy could start her own "singles only" church if she so chose.
[ You know how many churches take 5 or 10 minutes to gather the little children and talk about Jesus. What you can do instead is to invite 1 attender a week to come forward and tell of their victimization by the Patriarchy. Give them 5 minutes to talk about emotional, sexual, spiritual, physical, mental, psychological abuse they have undergone. They want a platform; give it to them but make sure they don't cut into your preaching too much - unless you want to go short and sweet. ]
You can pick and choose your own theology and doctrines. Make the church a pure democracy where 50 percent of the people present can set the rules on any given Sunday. Forget formal leadership or roles in the church. That only leads to conflicts. Don't have any elders; except yourself.
I would highly discourage you from participating in or speaking at any conferences. There is apparently huge money there and you want to avoid filthy lucre at all costs.
There will be no reason to call for a tithe, I think somehow the buildings, bulletins, websites, chairs and sound systems will pay for themselves.
You might consider insisting that any attender who has ever engaged in a sexual sin wear an identifying letter on their chest/breast during the services. On the other hand you might want to let the "sexually broken" roam free unless they are narcissistically male and sexually broken at the same time.
You know how those narcissists are don't you. Don't you?
Most Evangelical churches focus on Scripture as the basis for their teaching, preaching and Sunday Schools. But there is no rule that says you have to.
COSMOPOLITAN or the HUFFINGTON POST are also viable sources of teaching/preachings.
There is no law that says a church must reference Scripture. No Law whatsoever.
Eagle's church will be free to invite atheists to give the message. There's no law stopping you Eagle.
So, Dee, Deb, commenters, Nones and Dones.
I highly encourage you to start your own church today.
As the famous T.V. ad put it, "Have it your way."
I can see why you have little to no visitors on your blog�� Talk about bitter, angry, and might I say resentful because whartburgwatch has a reader base and you don't! It's pointless to point out your statements as they seem to represent abusers as lovers. Next time I want a good laugh I will return here and read to get some cheap entertainment
ReplyDeleteLetters, my blog is not a pimple on T.W.W.'s butt. Yet a constant theme for them is to hold people accountable whom they oppose. I'm just borrowing their strategy. They wish to bring feminism to the Scriptures. I'm opposed. When they're hypocritical [ often ], I call them on it.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Martin Luther was not a pimple on the Roman Catholic Church - at first, but later......
Blogging is pretty cheap entertainment - and it brings me many a laugh.
Finally, I'm guess you're a woman right?
For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may find you to be not what I wish and may be found by you to be not what you wish; that perhaps there will be strife, jealousy, angry tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, disturbances. Bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.
ReplyDeleteBut refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels. The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged.