Saturday, December 5, 2020
Censored by Internetmonk
[ deemed inappropriate for Saturday free-for-all ]
She has now lived her life as a female for 33 years.
She was born with the double XX female chromosone package. She was raised as a female. By Nature and by Nuture she can never be a biological male.
She announced she was a gay woman in 2014, now she announces she's transgender
"Page attended a Buddhist school in his youth and practiced meditation and yoga.[81] He practices a vegan lifestyle, and PETA named him and Jared Leto the Sexiest Vegetarians of 2014.[82] He is an atheist, having remarked that religion "has always been used for beautiful things, and also as a way to justify discrimination".[83] He describes himself as a pro-choice feminist.[84]" Wiki
E. Page is the ultimate progressive checking off all the cultural boxes
For the I-monkers with a progressive viewpoint, she may present a problem. On the one hand most I-monkers understand how biology limits a person; I cannot be LeBron James and neither can you. I would hope the majority of you would, given the opportunity, discourage her from gender re-assignment surgery.
On the other hand, as a progressive, you must appear to support people like Ellen Page if she announces she is transgender.
My final thought/question. If Ellen goes thru the whole hormone, surgical procedure etc., will this fill the void for her? When she is 50, will she now feel whole and fulfilled?
I think Ellen is "lost in the Cosmos" desperate seeking to find out where she fits so she can be at peace. If she were my daughter, I would mourn over her struggle.
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