Thursday, October 10, 2019


How would our current culture describe the Woman at the Well?

Would they describe her as a victim of the Patriarchy? [ Of that you can be sure - dryly ]

How do you explain all her marriages and her current "shacking up" status?

Might you theorize that she was NOT reared in a solid, stable God fearing home?
[ You might ]

BUT, Scripture does not even appear to HINT at her having "victim status."

Which raises the question:  Does identifying yourself as a victim ultimately help you or may it actually HARM you?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Following up - from an astute commenter

Seneca, your life's work is done!!

I have always had mixed feelings about TWW. The two undoubtedly were right to uncover church malfeasance, and if the leadership had been doing its job properly this ought not to have been necessary.

But as you have often commented there was a drift to the left, towards egalitarianism, the danger of which is it becomes that backdoor out of the faith, quite apart from being imo disobedient to scripture. The latter is hardly unimportant as TWW liked to criticize conservative evangelicals for their disobedience in not protecting the abused.

Then of course there was the legendary nastiness and bitterness of the commentariat. To what extent can you hold the blog administrators for this if they ostensibly are trying to allow genuine free speech? I can only speak for myself, but I believe the Lord convicted me to stop reading the blog because of the negative effect it can have on you. In fact I started to get like some of the commenters - cynical. 

Many on this type of blog are messed up people who don't want to get sorted out, and reinforce each others' misery and bitterness.  [ So sadly true - Sen ]

I have long since come to the conclusion that the internet can be a useful tool for exposing and discussing deception in Christian circles, but it is no substitute for contact with real people who can call you to account for your own sin and actually support you in dealing with bad church experiences,

You could either retire now, or keep an eye on any successor blogs to TWW.

Ken B

PS Thanks for my few seconds of fame earlier on on this blog. :-)

[ You're more than welcome and appreciated - Sen ]