DEE, God bless her little pea-pickin' heart, has decided there must be more to life than writing articles criticizing the never ending sinfulness of those who leads churches and those who attend churches. [ SURPRISE - sinners attend church; leaders are also sinners - unless you're Wade Burleson - dryly ]
So she's pushing others to take up the burden of criticizing sinners by establishing their own blogs.
SERIOUSLY; Dee is a remarkable woman. Her [ now ] one woman blog has a huge following; probably thousands of readers a day. I felt happy if I got 30 readers a day.
She has highlighted some leaders who have done great evil.
SADLY, she could never seem to tell the difference between John Piper and Tullian Tchividjian.
John Piper is great and Godly man - who's conservative theology you might disagree with but who's personal life has been exemplary.
Tullian cheated on his wife and wants back in the ministry.
Dee probably wrote 100 posts assailing John Piper and maybe 5 about Tullian.
Dee has trouble knowing who the good guys are because the good guys are not feminists - they are Biblicists.
Anyhow, Dee would like a little more of her life; other posts have suggested she and her husband would like to retire and do other things than just work. NOBODY has ever worked harder at a blog than Dee.
It is depressing if your spend your life writing posts critical of others as you try to eradicate sin in the church. It ain't gonna happen.
Secondly, there are SO VERY MANY REAL VICTIMS in the world. You can't write about them all. They too will suck the life out of you if you allow it. Dee has to be emotionally, psychologically and physically exhausted.
She has been the Don Quixote of "discernment" blogs.
But at the end of the day, a blog is just a blog.
Dee, hope you and Jim travel - enjoy meeting others and find peace among the chaos.
Seneca Griggs.