Friday, July 19, 2019

Kris, I deeply apologize; I misjudged you

"Kris" is the blog queen of SGMsurvivors.  I have believed that she has, inadvertently, been enabling the continuing victim status of people who feel they were victimized by Sovereign Grace Ministries.

Well the impending divorce of  Josh and Shannon Harris triggered a truly moving, Biblical post by Kris.

You should read it all but I'll give you the last few paragraphs:

God hates divorce.
And God’s opinion is the only one that matters.
I don’t really want to make this post–the first in such a long time–about me, but for those of you who have asked, I need to share my heart. There’s a reason I haven’t posted here much.
You see, a few years ago, maybe five or six years ago, I found myself growing frustrated with what I was seeing, both on this site and on other “watchblogger” sites. It seemed to me like more and more of the people who figured out the truth about their Sovereign Grace churches didn’t just reject the Sovereign Grace craziness. Instead, they felt the need to reject Bible-based Christianity in a much broader, more profound way.
And this filled me with fear.
Someday very soon, we all are going to stand in front of the God of the universe, the perfectly holy, perfectly righteous God as He is portrayed in scripture. If we have not accepted what He did for us through the atoning work of Christ on the cross, if we have not repented of our sins (as sin is defined in the Bible) and accepted this great gift of salvation, then that day in front of the Lord is going to be extremely frightening, a day of pain and regret and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
It’s not going to matter if we found ourselves, lived our dreams, did what made us happy on earth. It’s not going to matter if we were the wokest woke person who ever woked.
On that day, the ONLY thing that will matter is whether we are right with God. And if you somehow have ended up rejecting the Jesus of scripture when you rejected your Sovereign Grace church, then you are in deep trouble.
Don’t let disillusionment with a particular church system lead you to turn away from Christ. He is all that matters, and His work on your behalf is the only thing that will stand between you and eternity in hell. No matter what our pagan culture may be telling us, God is still God, sin is still sin, and we all need a Savior.
Go back to the Bible. Read the scriptures. Let the Holy Spirit illuminate them. Allow yourself to be convicted and transformed by God’s Word.
Love and blessings,


I FULLY expect this sad headline to provide an excuse to attack and villify the hated conservative Evangelical on various and sundry "discernment" blogs.

I'll update - possibly - if I feel so moved - if someone comments.

The apparent trajectory of the marriage.

Shannon [ and perhaps Josh ] abandons the Evangelical ethos

Josh [ and perhaps Shannon ] abandon the purity culture.

THEN marital dissolution appears.

That appears to be the trajectory