Monday, June 24, 2019

Sexual Victimization by Women Is More Common Than Previously

Confusing the T.W.W. narrative of chaste feminism.

Scripture can help you here.  ALL PEOPLE, women included, are sinners desperately in need of a Savior.  It's not just the men.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

"Will the role of women wars eclipse the sex abuse issue? Yes."

One of Dee's points with which I agree.

Here's the deal; those who wanted to highlight abuse at Birmingham had as part of their unspoken agenda, the feminist agenda.  They were questioned about that.  Dee considers that to be grossly unfair.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dee wishes to be the judge of the SBC

Interesting interchange over on SBCvoices - where Dee is NOT the moderator.

Dee Parsons
People mouthing things from the stage is one thing. When I see normal people who are living it out, I know it has taken.

Those people on stage have, I believe, given every indication that they are living it out.
To say they are simply “mouthing things” is unkind and unwarranted. JD has shown commitment and passion on this issue, as have many others.

DEE has become acclimated to being all powerful on her blog.  [  I am all powerful on mine. ]
Dee works hard to control the narrative on TWW.  She is very much like the senior SBC leaders she attacks who are tasked to lead and protect the SBC and their church.

I doubt Dee sees the similarities

Monday, June 17, 2019

Dee weighs in on SBC convention

You surely knew she would not speak positively of the steps the SBC has taken.  You surely knew that.

Remember; she is at heart a feminist and thinks elders/pastors can be women.  The SBC, relying on a straight forward reading of Scripture, don't think that.

It's always been more then just about women who have been abused.  It's about re-interpreting Scripture to more align with the modern, liberal culture.  

BUT Scripture has always been counter-cultural and continues to be so.  

There were no surprises to Dee's post.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Dee plays the innocent

Commenter Dan had it right

"I wonder if the reason you are not being allowed to have space is that it might their impression that this organization is hostile towards the SBC and very likely to be disruptive and thus this is not the place for that."


Dee writes a post decrying the SBC not letting her group of survivor types not have a place inside the exhibit.  If you have read T.W.W. at all you know that Dee disagrees with who they are [ SBC ] and what they believe and practice.  She is a feminist; she believes women should be free to preach from the pulpit. The SBC take Scripture much more seriously - women not to preach/lead.

She believes the S.B.C. should be like the Lutherans;  Mohler, Grear continue to think the SBC should hold to their biblical roots.  Who knew.

Dee is being disingenuous when she decry's her groups lack of official space.  She believe's her doctrine is correct and the SBC should adopt her feminist viewpoint.  Why should they give her "a seat at their table?"