NONNA comment:
"Seneca: The link you provided doesn't prove the assertions of commentator 'Rick' as women being more dramatic and never coming to conclusions. All it does is address the differences between men's and women's leadership styles. No where in the link you provided are women denigrated as being incompetent in their ability to lead, as 'Rick' did. Differences in leadership styles and abilities are not proof that women are incapable of leading, only that they function differently than men. Further, there are several studies out there that arrive at conclusions contrary to the ones provided in your link. So I stand by my original comments. "
What is true; male leadership is more goal oriented. Female leadership is more process oriented. Almost inevitably, when you find a women in a senior leadership position, she was put there by a man. They almost never got there on their own. They maintain their leadership by the dint of male support. Once powerful men quit supporting them, they are gone.
As everybody is aware, starting about 50 years ago females begin to assume pastoral roles; primarily in the Mainline denominations. At least part of it had to do with a decreasing number of men going through the Mainline seminaries and being willing to take positions as pastors in small churches that paid poorly. Part of it had to do with ongoing march of feminism through the academic institutions.
Now the backstory:
I'm at this older downtown Mainline Church for a concert the other day. The concert was not a part of the church program, it was simply being held at that venue.
Before the music starts, this young, quite attractive [ 30? ] lady gets up and introduces herself as the pastor. I had to smile/groan. This church isn't going to make it for 3 reasons.
Here's my 3 points.
1] I believe Scripture does not ever support women as shepherd/pastors/elders. Encough said about that however.
2] Can a woman actually successfully shepherd a church full of men and women? I would say no.
It's probably quite obvious, I'm not a male feminist, I think feminism is terrible for females.
So, could I survive/thrive in a church that has called a female to shepherd me? No - obviously not. If a female pastor was voted in, I would exit.
But then my next question is this.
Am I actually a significant outlier OR is the factual reality this; generally men refuse to be shepherded by women if they have any choice.
[ Obviously your job may requires that you work under a female - so be it. Suck it up or find another job. ]
But a church is a volunteer organization where one does not have to attend and people come and go, church shop if you will, on a frequent basis. If a woman is installed as pastor will men be more likely to drift away from the church and secondly, will a female pastor attract new male membership?
My gut feeling says a] men will drift away, b] new men will not be attracted but some will attend on an irregular basis - UNLESS THEY ACQUIRE POWER at which point they may stay.
Like numerous radical feminists; I believe you can't ever actually remove the masculinity from the man. A guy can tell you all he wants that he's a feminist; but when push comes to shove he acts just like a typical male - wanting to be in charge. Recent readings suggests a number of radical feminists actually LOATHE the supposed male feminists.
Back to the young attractive female pastor I saw the other night. While I have NO first-hand knowledge; but knowing men and women I'd bet the farm that a man ACTUALLY HOLDS THE POWER in that church. [ It might be divided between 2 men but young "Emily" does NOT hold the real power. ] She will have to kow-tow to the power; she desires process leadership; she will not be able to resist the "will to power" that men bring to the game.
So a man or two will be the real power in the church and she will be subservient to them. If she plays by their rules, she may hang on for years. But in an eyeball to eyeball, mano-a-mano battle, she will be ill-equipped and will therefore lose - UNLESS other POWERFUL MEN arise and save her. But then you're just trading one set of powerful males for another set of powerful males.
Bottomline - "Emily" is not going to be able to actually shepherd the men. She will at best be the titular head, but the church will ultimately fail.
To be a successful pastor over the long haul, requires that you win significant battles with the powers that be. Women are less equipped to win significant battles with men.
A quick look at "Emily's" bio; she probably is about 30, pretty, petite, perky and appears to have been married to her [ male ] husband about 7 years. She was an associate elsewhere before taking this position. She appears to be bright and friendly.
She doesn't appear prepared for war against the ravening wolves.