Is the purpose of the church Social Justice?
by Matt Slick
The purpose of the church is to worship God (Luke 4:8; John 4:23; Rev. 4:10), study His Word (2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Cor. 4:6), pray (Acts 2:42), love one another (John 13:35; Phil. 1:1-4), help each other (Gal. 6:2), partake of baptism and the Lord's supper (Luke 22:19-20), to learn how to live as godly people (Titus 2:11-12), and to be equipped to evangelize the world (Eph. 4:12; Matt. 28:18-20).
Reading the discernment blogs, the church should be about social justice, primary emphasis the eradication of abuse.
I highly suspect satan is very pleased if he can turn the church's attention away from the worship of God and the study of His Word, spiritual growth of his people to the eradication of abuse/sin.
[ Watching the emphasis on eradicating abuse, I've been reminded of the stance feminists took against the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. They were, apparently, horrified that a man who suggested to a female colleague that the hair on a Coke can looked like a pubic hair, would ever be selected for the Supreme Court. Then of course, when it became known that President Clinton had taken sexual advantage of a very young intern, there was silence. At that point you realized, feminists were more concerned about progressive politics than they were the protection of women.
Reading the discernment blogs, I have the same sense. They are horrified over alleged abuse but when you read their posts carefully, they are more horrified over people like John Piper, Al Mohler and Mark Dever. It makes you think they are actually less concerned about abuse then they are the influence of these conservative Evangelicals. Recent case in point, the fall of Tullian. There will be a post about Tullian and in the post, you find Mark Dever being impugned. As far as I can tell, Mark Dever has nothing to do with Tullian's situation, but because their true agenda is to have the church adopt the progressive/feminist view of Scripture, all posts sooner or later will defame Piper, Mohler, Dever, etc. It's a given. As I said, it makes me think it's not ALL actually about abuse.]