Friday, August 29, 2014

The girls wrote a post about Mark Dever's Church; Capitol Baptist and their membership contracts.

Here are some of the commenter's views expressed.  It isn't pretty

CHBC process abuse
Maheny hid behind Dever’s skirts
Self important men on power trips
Money talks in this crowd a gospel centered bribe
Look at Carolyn Mahaney..look at what she has published.  Nuff said
Jonathan Leeman have your personally done a gospel centered execution
Thank God for freedom of religion or they’d have you on the rack.
Mark Dever, smoothest of the Neo-Cals, like a serpent, in a garden , talking about fruit
Evangelical industrial complex
When will1 Mark Devel and Jonathan Leeman begin to burn dissidents at the stake.
Heavy handed authoritarian preachers
They do judge…and claim they hold the keys to the kingdom of authority and declare who is in and who is out.
They weep crocodile tears as they bite you on the behind.
The wisdom of Hollywood creations are quoted: Voldemort, Comrade O’Brien, and Capt Mal Reynolds.
It’s like dealing with a personality disordered individual
Pompous words from power loving men
CHBC behavior found to be pushy obnoxious and weird
Only thing missing; sacred underwear, temples and blood atonement
9 Marks church = “roach motel.”
Papal infallibility
Ding bat Pastors
Gospel centered blackmail
Obsessed with having power and authority
It’s ALL about control
You were predestined by God as His seshul Pet to rule over others.
Utter disregard for the authority of the text of Scripture.
Blood atonement will have to wait until they take back American and establish a truly Christina Nation.  They all bets are off and you can never fill too many mass graves
Soulless jackals
Unwholesome behaviors
Obsessive leaders
Russell Moore is making an idol in the image of man
The leaders don’t understand how close they are to phallic worship
Lemming thought, spiritual abuse
Dever and Mahaney want to cuddle and be best friends
Spiritual Stalins
( They’re ) All about personal power, gain and ultimately fraud.

We don’t need spiritual stalins, Mao’s or Idi Amins who look at their position for personal gain for themselves and their friends.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Wartburg is written by 2 ladies ( apparently children and now adults of some affluence) who believe the Evangelical leaders of the day are in need of correction.  The ladies' perspective is progressive, moderate Christian, strongly influenced by the secular, academic culture of upper crust America today and informed by the latest of psychological and sociological thoughts..  They think the Bible is fine - within modern limits of progressive understanding

They do not believe, as Paul and Peter wrote, that the church is to be led by Godly men and the spiritual head of the family should be the father.   They have adopted the popular cultural view of the day, strongly influenced by the feminist perspective.  That is the template through which they view the Evangelical Church in America.

They have attracted readers who also have the same moderate/liberal or "none" perspective on Christianity.   "Nones" ( those who don't attend church any more) or individuals from mainline denominations who ordain women are all in their good graces.  People who think the Bible speaks contrary to the modern culture are not in their good graces.  They appear to view Scripture thru the lens of our modern culture.  They do not appear to view the culture thru the lens of Scripture.